Forming a Generation of Brave Warriors

A coward will never have an army of brave people. Similarly, a brave person will not have a team of cowards. If we want to form leaders that are brave and full of courage, they have to be formed and trained by a brave person. In other words, a person that doesn’t fall prey to fear, insecurity, or complexes—of inferiority or superiority–. This person must be self-controlled and must have the necessary faith to conquer.
God’s strategy to form His brave one never changes, He will always test us with small things. He will not give us great responsibilities if He is not sure that we will assume them well. When David was young, because he was the youngest of his siblings, he was given a job that to everyone else seemed to be boring. But he took it as a great opportunity from God for his life, and he took it up with all of his heart. He worked for God. His job was to shepherd a few sheep, but he had to be accountable if anything were to happen to any of the sheep. This caused him to spend countless sleepless nights, caring for the sheep, keeping the from any danger that might arise.
This is how David was filled with courage to face the beasts of the field. He trained by fighting against bears and lions, and always defeating them. There, in that place where David spent many years, God changed his heart into a brave heart. This is why when David saw a Philistine giant taunting the armies of Israel, he decided to face him. He said, “The Lord who rescued me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will rescue me from the hand of this Philistine.” (1 Samuel 17:37a).
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